The Artist´s Portrait of Ferencz Olivier »
In the artist´s portrait, "Ferencz Olivier - A Portrait", the artist invites you into his workshop in Munster´s Kuh Viertel in order to introduce himself and his art. In this documentary Ferencz Olivier speaks about his art categories: Logoart, Zeitart and Eigenart sowie über die Beweggründe, Maltechniken und Intention die seine Werke prägen und dem Betrachter eine Geschichte erzählen die auch immer ausreichend Freiraum für eigene Interpretation lässt.
and his motives, painting techniques and intentions that formed his works, tell a story to the beholder and always leave enough space for own interpretations.
Experience the artist Ferencz Olivier very closely and allow yourself to be fascinated by the atmosphere, charisma and energy of his paintings.
A guest of Ferencz Olivier – A showcase in 8 minutes (german)
This 8-minute showcase was produced in March 2012 with kind support of duema-media and shall give the interested public an understanding of the lifework and oevre of the artist Frencz Olivier.
In addition a 90 second corporate video was compiled from the footage of the artist´s portrait. It exclusively deals with the essence of Ferencz Olivier´s artistic power and his works in order to convey a rough overview. You can find the Ferencz Olivier corporate video in the menu on the left side and on my YouTube channel.