Objektart »
In the Objektart category, created by me in 2015, I design three dimensional works of art made of high-quality materials. Due to the different shapes and dimensions of the artworks, Objektart is divided into the following fields:
- Objektart-Sculptures - Price on request
- Objektart-Advertising Columns - Price on request
The Objektart Sculptures by Ferencz Oliver
The artworks of Objektart Sculptures are three-dimensional bodies that imitate the design of petrol pumps and advertising pillars of the 1960ies. They show motifs from the subject areas that occur in the art categories Logoart, Zeitart, Einzigart and Wappenart. The choice of motifs for the elements of Objektart Sculptures is unlimited. In accordance with prior consultation I create statues with motifs of your choice.
Access restriction
At the moment, the entire area of the Objektart Sculptures is available only via login. If you have already received your access data, please use the following form for your login.
For your questions, please use the data stored on the Contact page.
Note: For the artworks of the Objektart Advertising Sculptures in small format a utility model protection exists since 2016. Further information about the registered design DE20 2016 000 746 U1 can be found on the page Legal Claims.
The Objektart Advertising Columns by Ferencz Oliver
The Objektart Advertising Columns are large-formated and free-standing bodies with canvas fitted around the metal substructure. Similar to the Objektart Sculptures, brands and advertising items from my various art categories offer a perfect choice of motifs.