Ferencz Olivier Imagefilm

Change is art »

By what do we judge people at first sight? We look into their faces. By scrutinizing face and charisma we try to find out about the personality – just as it is the case with brand- and company logos. A logo is a company´s face. We judge them by this identifying feature, whether it appears sympathetic to us and what we connect with it.

My challenge as an artist is to depict company logos in a very special way, whereby, figuratively speaking, more of their character is expressed. A story is told , with the aim to effect an emotional examination with the company´s culture, philosophy, their general principle and their history.

By a special painting technique, which resembles the fresco-paintings from the Italian Renaissance, I tray to create a cultural artefact from the logo, just as if it was a valuable find in a museum that is worth preserving.

By a relief-like surface structure, a sophisticated multi-layered painting with diverse materials like oil paint, marble dust, pigments, emulsions and beaten gold the corporate identity receives an additional paradigm and a stable perception.

It emotionally enhances the trust put into the company and makes it appear more valuable. When next to the signet additional image footage appears in a collage as well as painted leitmotivs in this context, the artwork can effect a stronger identification with the company.

Instead of just being printed on the paper of company´s brochures the concepts appear to be hewn into stone and shall again and again remind staff and management of their special duties in their daily performance.

My artistic staging of a logo influences the evaluation of a company in a positive sense and makes the brand appear more sympathetically. Therefore works of art never stand at the end of a closed process, but emphasise the company´s character, in order to devise their future activities successfully.

Works of art dealing with a company and their logo strengthen the spectator´s attention and tell a true and memorable story which is emotionally received and subconsciously remembered for a long time.