The Painter Ferencz Olivier hands over the Werder Rhombus
Category: GeneralBy: Ferencz Olivier

The artist Ferencz Olivier next to his work "Werder-Rhombus". Klaus Allofs (left) and Manfred Müller (right) express their thanks for the excellent work.
The artist Ferencz Olivier next to his work "Werder-Rhombus". Klaus Allofs (left) and Manfred Müller (right) express their thanks for the excellent work.
Here you can read an article, which was published on the website of Werder Bremen on 25th October 2004 on the occasion of the picture´s delivery to the management of Werder Bremen.
Cultural moments in the Werder Tower: The managers Klaus Allofs and Manfred Müller welcomed the artist Ferencz Olivier and thanked him for his extraordinary “Werder-Rhombus”, which from now on will beautify the lobby of the fifth floor.
The two-metres-high “Werder-W”, into which diverse newspaper headlines and images from players and responsible persons from the champion-season were integrated, was created within six weeks. Striking is the artist´s unique style. “It is my aim to design my artwork like valuable cultural artefacts in a museum”, Ferencz Olivier describes his work. “This symbolism fitted very well to the Werder-Rhombus, which also stands for a great tradition and an eventful history”, said the 42 years-old Münster-resident , who concentrates on the creation of relief-like figuratives and word marks.
Ferencz Olivier caught the Werder management´s attention by diverse artworks that the artist had created about football, among others the official picture for the FIFA´s 100st anniversary, which hangs in the world association´s headquarters in Zurich.