Ferencz Olivier exhibition at the Techno-Classica 2022
Category: Events, DevelopmentBy: Ferencz Olivier
After a break of two years, the date for the 32nd staging of the Techno-Classica Essen is fixed, and I will be there.
Vom 23. bis 27. März 2022 habe ich einen 60 qm Stand gebucht und werde in Halle 6, an Stand Nr. 154, dem Publikum ausgewählte Kunstwerke meines Portfolios präsentieren.
From 23rd to 27th March 2022 I have booked my 60 square metres booth and will present selected artworks from my portfolio to the visitors in Hall 6, Booth 154.
For the first time, I will exhibit my most recent project "Mille Miglia 2.0". For this premiere, after 10 years, I have again occupied myself with the topic "Mille Miglia"from my project series “Racing Legends of the Past“.
The Mille Miglia 2.0 – project combines the illustration of famous vehicles and their drivers or constructors in seemingly historical areas of the Italian Renaissance. In addition to old masters and modern art, a view within the paintings shows Italian cities and regions like Rome, Siena or Tuscany, which are all part of the Mille Miglia.
32nd Techno-Classica Essen
World-trade fair for vintage cars, classic- & prestige automobiles, motor sports, motorcycles, spare parts, restauration and world-club meeting.
Booth Ferencz Olivier: Hall 6, Booth Nr. 154
Date: 23rd – 27th March 2022
Opening hours:
Entrance fees: