Ferencz Olivier Imagefilm
08/28/2015 13:12

Ferencz Olivier and the Neuromedicine Foundation

Category: General, Development, Neuromedicine Foundation
By: Ferencz Olivier
Ferencz Olivier Logoart Neuromedicine Foundation

Logoart Neuromedicine Foundation by Ferencz Olivier

It was in October 2014 when I made the acquaintance of Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Wiendl, a young physician with great interest in art via a contact of another customer.

Next to his position as the director of the neurological clinic of the teaching hospital of the university of Münster, the professor of neurology devotes himself as chairman of the "Westfälische Stiftung Neuromedizin - Gemeinschaftsstiftung zur Förderung der neuromedizinischen Wissenschaft und Forschung" (Westphalian Foundation Neuromedicine – Community Foundation for the Promotion of Neuromedical Science and Research) in Münster.

As a charitable organisation it is the Neuromedical Foundation´s duty to support projects in the research of causes, better therapies and healing chances for neurological diseases. Among these illnesses of the nervous system are for example Alzheimer´s, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson´s and epilepsy.

After a couple of interesting talks with Prof. Wiendl as well as with colleagues and curators of the Foundation I have again and again dealt with this complex and frightening issue. As an artist I felt the urge to support this institution that has done so much good by means of art.

Around this time I had been experimenting with ways to technically advance my works of art, new materials and further layers in the image format should intensify the historical impression and their artefact-character.

So the idea emerged to create a Logoart painting for the office at the Albert-Schweitzer-Campus, in order to cede it to the Neuromedical Foundation as a gift. The large-scale Logoart shall hint at the Foundation´s work in a representative way for all visitors of the central hospital and the surrounding buildings of the campus of the university´s teaching hospital. 

Already in May 2015 the presentation of the finished painting took place in my workshop. “I am in love with this work of art!“ was the first comment of the enthusiastic Prof. Wiendl after the unveiling of the artwork with its impressive seize of 4 m x 1,40 m. The date for the official handing over in the presence of the press has not yet been fixed. 

You can find further information on the aims of the Neuromedical Foundation and its work which are impressively illustrated in the corporate video under the following link: Corporate video of the Neuromedicine Foundation

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